Want to be more successful? Develop a persona.

Want to be more successful? Develop a persona.

My sister in law is studying for a nursing degree. To fund her studies she’s working as a receptionist at the hospital at the same time. Whilst it will never be her dream job, it’s helping her to get there, so she’s found a way to be good at it. 

As she told me on Saturday ‘when I get into work I just turn into Receptionist Rosie, the most positive, smiley, helpful version of myself that I can possibly be – and I love it – I love her'

Why does she do this? Because she knows that when people come to the hospital she’s the first person they see. She wants them to be happy. And her energy comes from doing a great job. Win win! 

But not only that, it gives her a way to be the best version of herself even when she doesn’t always feel like it. For her, it’s a necessary way to get stuff done.

Is she being fake? I certainly don’t think so, and neither does she but I think it’s a common misconception that we are being inauthentic if we ever ‘pretend’.

For me, creating a version of you as the ideal leader of your business is as important as being clear about your ideal client. And scarily, I see most of my clients put a lot more work into who their client needs to be than who they need to be. Often that’s because we assume we are ‘fixed’ as we are. 

Creating a persona that is all the things you need to be as a leader -  confident, self assured and decisive, even when you’re having a bad day – allows you to step out of yourself and still get the job done.

So how do you do it?

-      Get clear on your values – they never change. 

Both you and your persona should share the same value set, goals and objectives!

-      Imagine yourself on your very best day. 

Don’t imagine someone else, or the person you wish you could be. The best way to create a persona is to imagine YOU doing the things you need to do absolutely brilliantly

-      Think about the things you need to achieve.

Your persona needs to be the person that’s going to help you achieve your goals. She need to be all the things that you need to be to do what you need to do.

-      Imagine yourself doing the things you need to do.

How do you feel? How are you acting? What is different about you.

-      Imagine her as vividly as you can and keep imagining her.

The more time you can spend imagining your persona, and stepping into her shoes, the more of her qualities you will naturally take on. Eventually you’ll converge… and you'll be the leader you need to be, with a lot less effort.

So there you have it, creating a persona can be empowering and energising in equal measure. It isn’t about imagining yourself being someone else but being the very best version of yourself you can be. It allows you to get the things done that you need to do and achieve the things you might not be allowing yourself to do. Take the time to craft yours in a way that feels authentic but still stretches you into the places you need to go to reach your potential. And never look back!

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