All tagged dealing with change

Why resolutions take more than just resolve – how to make change stick

Most people have given up on theirs by the end of Jan and a measly 8% of people actually ever achieve them. 


I’ve never met anyone who made a resolution because they thought that the change they wanted to make was a bad idea. I think it’s safe to say we make resolutions because they are things we want to make happen. We make them for the right reasons, we start off with the best intentions but something happens to the vast majority of us along the way.


So what’s going on? Why is it so difficult to make change stick? As a behavioural change expert, I though I might step in with helpful tips to help you make sure this year is the year you really see things through.

Patience is a virtue....

Impatience, that familiar mix of slight excitement tinged with frustration. It creates an energy that has nowhere to go, and if you don’t learn to recognise it and manage it, it can be pretty damaging to your success.


It’s definitely my Achilles heel and it has led to several changes in direction for my business as, when things don’t work straight away, I have a tendency to want to move straight on to the next big idea. It's also led to blogs, web copy and Facebook posts being published with glaring typos even though I'm the worlds biggest spelling and grammar pedant - all because I'm too impatient to properly proof read things. For me, broadly, I think my impatience is driven by a need for recognition and results. I’m not very good at plugging away and sticking at things for the long term if I’m not 100% sure they’re going to work out.....