3 Reasons it's ESSENTIAL to take time away from your business...

3 Reasons it's ESSENTIAL to take time away from your business...

This morning I’m flying to Majorca for The Brand Stylist retreat. 4 days away to focus on nothing but how I take my business to the next level. I feel so lucky to have this opportunity. 4 days away feels like a huge indulgence but when the prep notes ask you to bring literally every piece of written or digital content you have about your business you know it's going to be worthwhile.

I tend to forget this, or not let myself remember it, but taking time away from your business is absolutely essential to keep it growing. It seems counter intuitive but there are three reasons why it's hugely valuable. 

Time away allows you to:

Real creativity comes from the subconscious mind. Being ‘on’ all the time means we’re working in our conscious minds, constantly thinking and developing decision fatigue. It’s absolutely essential to give yourself the space to switch off and let the ideas flow.

Physically taking a step back to look at where your business is, creating physical distance between you and the day to day gives you a different, more abundant perspective. Taking the time to look at what’s working, what’s not working, what you could do more of, or less of and so on is an incredibly powerful way to create the breakthroughs you need.

Running a business is HARD WORK! Physical time away gives you time to recharge and renew. So when those ideas flow you have the energy you need to put them into action.

Lonely at the top?

Lonely at the top?

Want to be more successful? Develop a persona.

Want to be more successful? Develop a persona.